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- Mailing Address: 1500 County Road 24, Medina, MN 55356
At Woodridge our desire is to welcome and embrace women for who they are and wherever they are in life, offering women opportunities to meet true friends and mentors. Women are faithful. We want to create opportunities where your faith can grow in powerful, tangible ways, equipping you for whatever life brings your way.
Here is a list of opportunities and groups for women. Please join us:
April 15 || 6:30-8:30PM
Take time out of your busy life to be inspired by someone's story and go home refreshed and uplifted. Dana Sikes will be our featured speaker. Topic: Saying Yes To God!
Living intentionally means purposefully pursuing the life God has called us to live. Come and hear stories from other women who are learning to be purposeful and deliberate in their pursuit of God, through the ups and downs of life. You'll walk away encouraged and full of hope in your God and His good hand over your life! A sit down dinner prepared by Chef Rassy will be served at 6:30PM, followed by our speaker portion of the evening in our main auditorium.
Registration closes at 1pm, April 13th.
Please feel free to join anytime after the start date. Email with any questions.
January 13 || 6-8PM
Facilitatior: Terri Marr
In this verse-by-verse 11 week study of the Book of Hebrews, Jen Wilkin explores how God “provided something better for us” in the person of Jesus Christ (Heb. 11:40). Through stories of Old Testament heroes and practices, the author of Hebrews demonstrates how the new covenant is superior to the old and how Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of every promise. Explore familiar verses in context of the entire Bible, learning how to place your hope and faith in Christ alone. Register Here.
January 14 || 9:30-11:30AM
Facilitator:Jana Haugen
All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you — unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout every aspect of your life. A devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your children, your relationships, your resilience, your dreams, your destiny. But his battle plan depends on catching you unaware and unarmed. If you're tired of being pushed around and caught with your guard down, this 8 week study is for you.
The enemy always fails miserably when he meets a woman dressed for the occasion. The Armor of God, more than merely a biblical description of the believer's inventory, is an action plan for putting it on and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory.
Facilitator: Kerah Edelstein
In His sweeping depiction of kingdom citizenship, Jesus utters some of the most familiar passages in all of Scripture. Most of us have only encountered the Sermon on the Mount in fragments, considering its subdivisions as complete teachings in their own right—a study on blessedness; a reflection on the Lord’s Prayer; a discussion of religious devotion, money, ambition, and relationships.
What if we navigated these three chapters in Matthew as they were originally heard? What if we read them as one cohesive, well-ordered message, intended to challenge us to think differently about what it means to be a follower of Jesus?
This 9-session study will give you the opportunity to do just that. Come and learn from Jesus, just as His disciples did. Register Here.
January 14 || 9:30-11:30AM
Facilitator: Heidi Loomis
This newly written 10 week Bible study by Heidi Loomis will compare the gospel accounts of the Passion events (e.g., preparation, Passover, arrest, crucifixion, burial, and resurrection), which includes an introduction of the gospels (how they are similar/different) and the OT prophecies for these events. Prepare your heart for Easter and the weeks leading up to it. Register Here.
January 14 || 9:30-11:30AM
Facilitator: Michele Hawkins
Facilitator: Michele Hawkins
12 week
The Prophets in the Old Testament made the Word of God known to the Israelites. This often involved their conviction of sin and their turning back to God in repentance and obedience. As the people of the prophets’ days placed their hope in Messiah who would come and save, we are blessed to be able to see the story unfold, and place our hope in Messiah who came and saved. Join us as we celebrate Jesus who fulfilled Old Testament prophecy!
Learn more here.
Learn more here.
7:30PM - 8:30PM || No Homework
Facilitator: Michelle King
Information coming for fall class.
Email mich.king4@
Tuesday || 6-7pm || Room 117
Enter Lower Entrance
Leader: Cindy Loosbrock
Join other women Thursday evenings for a time of exercise, stretches and spiritual encouragement. Please email Cindy for more information and availability:
"Sent to Love" is the mission of Woodridge Church. At times, those we are sent to love are our brothers in sisters in Christ right around us. Caring for those in our church community can look many different ways. Whether it's providing a meal for a family in need, sending an encouraging card, helping with a funeral service or providing a ride to a medical appointment, caring is something we are all called to do Please consider joining the Connect & Care group and making yourself available to care.
Click HERE if you are interested.
Do you have a heart and passion to come alongside younger women loving and discipling them in their walk through life with God? To learn more contact Jana Haugen.