Contact Us

  • Phone: 763-230-6300
  • Email:
  • Mailing Address: 1500 County Road 24, Medina, MN 55356





You can make a gospel impact simply by serving others with the gifts God has already given you.  We would love to serve alongside you sharing God's love with others here at Woodridge! Serving is one of the best ways to connect with others and be part of a team.

We believe in developing people, not just program and events.  That's why we want you to serve the way God designed you!

Click on the link below to see all the opportunities to serve others here at Woodridge.

Serving at Woodridge

CURRENT NEEDS - Please check the area you would like to learn more about.

Other serving opportunities at Woodridge! Please check the areas you would like to learn more about

We will contact you and answer any questions you have about these opportunities to serve.