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- Phone: 763-230-6300
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- Mailing Address: 1500 County Road 24, Medina, MN 55356
"A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."
- Proverbs 11:25
At Woodridge Church, we encourage hearts of generosity. Generosity is not something we want from you but for you. When you are generous, you experience more of God's grace and your faith and joy begin to grow. Generous people tend to see their world like Jesus would see it and don't let money or things define them.
Generosity is a way of life that includes your time, talent and treasure. Financial generosity is a good measure for how God's grace is at work in your life. We can easily measure the percent of our financial generosity. At Woodridge we encourage you to pick a percentage of your income to give away and regularly evaluate your generosity because generosity is a huge benefit for you!
Your financial support and your gifts help spread the kingdom of Jesus Christ and transform lives in our church, network, country and world. All financial resources are stewarded responsibly to glorify God.
Please email Jana Haugen with questions related to giving.