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  • Mailing Address: 1500 County Road 24, Medina, MN 55356



Our Overseers


Profile image of Brenton Bills

Brenton Bills


Brent grew up in the west metro, and was blessed to have been raised in a home where God was loved and honored. He is happy to continue the heritage of active involvement in the local church, currently at The Highlands Church in Delano. Brent enjoys equipping God's people for ministry, particularly in the areas of prayer, discipleship, and apologetics. Brent lives in Rockford with his wife Becky, their kids Katherine and David, and their mini schnauzer Winston. During his free time, when not at one of his kids' sporting events, Brent enjoys conversing over a cup of strong coffee.

Profile image of Peter Swanson

Peter Swanson


My wife Angie and I have been attending Woodridge for nearly a decade and we are blessed with two children, Meghan and Andrew.  After graduating from Orono High School, I attended the Air Force Academy and then served on active duty for five years in FL and AZ.  During that time the Lord led us to some incredibly supportive faith communities.  I continue to serve in the Air Force Reserves and also volunteer as a Trustee on the Converge Worldwide pension fund.  In my civilian employment, I work for a boutique investment management firm in Minneapolis.  I appreciate the opportunity to serve the Aspen Grove Network.

Profile image of Luke Sullivan

Luke Sullivan


I began attending Mercy Hill with my wife, Katie, in early 2017. I love the relationship focused culture and am thankful for the people that Mercy Hill has brought into the life of my family. I graduated from Bethel University and work in corporate finance. Katie and I have 2 young children and live in St. Louis Park. In my free time I love to read, golf and launch model rockets.

Profile image of Becky Hunter

Becky Hunter


Becky Hunter and her family live in Minnetonka. She is mom to three boys and joyfully married to Evan for the past 25 years. Evan and Becky returned to Minnesota four years ago and have been a part of Mercy Hill and the Aspen Grove community since January 2018. Becky has an educational background in elementary education and professional experience in leadership development and spiritual formation. She loves to spend time outdoors gardening, exploring and adventuring with her family.

Profile image of Miranda Brouwer

Miranda Brouwer


Miranda Brouwer has been an attender at The Highlands for 11 years. She resides in Delano with her husband of 15yrs and 3 adventurous kids. She and her husband enjoy being actively involved with the youth ministry at The Highlands, and she is a member of the Interiors Team for the new church build. Miranda has a degree in Interior Design which led to starting her own company in 2009. She loves to travel, spend time with her family, running and being outdoors. 

Profile image of Brad Gotto

Brad Gotto


Brad Gotto has been attending The Highlands with his family for 10yrs. He resides in Delano with his wife Christy, and two boys, Liam and Hudson. Brad grew up in Iowa and came to Minnesota to attend Bethel University. After seeking a degree in Youth Ministry, Brad started his career at a church in Bloomington. After a brief stay in paid ministry he went back to volunteering and he and his wife Christy have been actively involved with youth programs in various churches for the last 18+ years. Today Brad owns a Wealth Management company in Wayzata and can still be seen around the Highlands helping with the High School youth group, and even filling in on Sunday mornings giving the message. In his free time Brad loves to coach his son's sports teams, travel with his family, and cheer on the Iowa Hawkeyes! 

Profile image of Drew Johnson

Drew Johnson


Drew leads the Aspen Grove Network of churches. He is the lead pastor at Mercy Hill. He is the primary teacher on Sunday mornings and he leads the conversations among staff and volunteers that shape the direction of our community. Drew majored in Art History and Religious Studies at the University of Minnesota, graduated from Bethel Seminary with a Masters of Divinity Degree, and recently completed a Doctor of Ministry in Contextual Theology at Northern Seminary. He is married to Lauren. They live in Wayzata with their kids Eleanor and Eli.


Profile image of Michelle King

Michelle King


Michelle King is a Bethel Seminary graduate and has been pastoring her Wednesday evening women's Bible study since 2006. She formerly served as an Overseer at Woodridge. She operated a nonprofit, and has served on nonprofit boards for the last ten years.  She has been married to Todd, and they have two adult, married daughters. Michelle is an avid equestrian in the discipline of dressage.

Profile image of Brian Jass

Brian Jass


Brian Jass has been attending Woodridge Church with his family since 2021. He is married to his amazing wife, Amanda, and they have three incredible daughters: Annie, Sophia & Katie (and a little pup named Jordy.) 

Growing up in the northern Twin Cities as a PK (pastor’s kid), Brian has been active in the church ever since he can remember. He attended Bethel University where he met his bride and received a business degree in finance and marketing. This led him to launching his own financial and retirement planning firm. 

Brian and Amanda serve in kid’s ministry, lead a house group, and are involved in Men’s and Women’s bible studies at church. During his free time, Brian enjoys spending time with his family, friends and squeezing in a round or two of golf

Profile image of Peter  Morrow

Peter Morrow


Peter Morrow has been attending Mercy Hill with his family for 6 years. He resides in Minnetonka with his wife Sarah, and children Elora and Grayson. Peter was born in Indiana but moved to Rochester, Minnesota in Middle School, eventually attending University of Northwestern in St. Paul. After completing a degree in International Business, Peter started his career at Cargill in Wayzata and is still there today designing compensation programs.  He can be seen around Mercy Hill co-leading a house group (with Sarah) and teaching in the elementary program.  In his free time Peter is a backyard beekeeper, periodically leads worship at Lino Lakes prison, and loves going out for sushi!